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Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy April...

Dear Everyone,

What an excellent conference!! That was really wonderful, de verdad! I loved all the talks and some how they inter connected. Funny how God works sometimes. The topics that brought my attention were the topics of Marriage and Trials. I thought it was funny how President Monson directly told all males that after the mission they should be looking for a woman to marry. We all laughed at that one. Ja ja. I loved Elder Scott’s talk about his wife. How tender was their relationship! We need to all try and reach that kind of marriage. But to reach that marriage, we don’t need to find the right person. We need to change to be the right person for our future/current spouse. I learned that during conference. A marriage is successful only when we perform selfless service. Marriages fail when one becomes selfish.

I also learned something that almost seems obvious but I never really thought of. Faith increases when one obeys the commandments. We gain a testimony after our obedience to that certain commandment of which we have a testimony. There were so many things that I learned that I wish I could share but time is short.

We also had a very busy weekend being missionaries. We went searching for people after every session of conference. And we always happened to get there right during the first hymn. We are good… ja. We were going to have a baptism also this past weekend but the water flooded everyone in. We had ourselves a huge rainstorm. HUGE! I took some pictures of the lightning storm we had. It was pretty bad. So we didn’t get as many as we wanted to get to conference but that happens. God knows that we tried our hardest and you know what? They have free agency, darn it all. Jaja. But the conference was great. I loved every moment of it. And yes, I watched it in English.

I hope that everyone can remember this time of year, Easter, as a time to remember the resurrection of our Savior. The sacrifice that He did for us we can never repay. We can only try and do our best to please him. At time we fall and we don’t do what he asks. But He has a love that is infinite. He loves us when we keep his commandments or when we sin. He rewards us when we obey and he punishes us when we disobey. That shows a lot of love. Just remember that God loves us so much that He sent His son. The least we can do to show our love is to do what he wants us to do. It’s easy for me because I am on a mission surrounded with a constant reminder of Him. Maybe it’s a bit harder for you guys but I want you all to love the Savior and our Father in Heaven more. You will feel their love for you as you keep their commandments.

I love you all and “be safe, don’t die.” – Sara E. Pickett (1992- ) ja ja


Elder Pickett

He gets this happy every time he gets a letter from you...

Tupe, tupe, tupe, tupe, tuuuupe..!

The trail they take every day from their pension to their area.

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