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Monday, August 22, 2011

Pastores Tour

This is taken from the blog of President and Sister Carter and pictures sent to us by Allen:

A pastor is a shepherd in Spanish. In our mission, a pastor or rather “the pastores” are the missionaries that are just completing their mission going off into another field. Since downtown Buenos Aires, is not part of our mission, we have a special day for the elders to get to know the city from whence the name of their Province and Mission came.

Today’s tour started in Plaza de Mayo where we learned a little about the history of the capitol and viewed some of the buildings surrounding the plaza including The Casa Rosada and the Catedral Metropolitana.

Elders Oliverson, Nuttall, Pickett, Albornoz, Lewis, Cruz, King, Horrocks, Bennett and Millard.

Elder Pickett

Catedral Metropolitana

Plaza de Mayo

Rumbo al Obelisco

We learned about the 3 million immigrants that came to the southern quarter of Buenos Aires and took a drive through St. Telmo and stopped off in La Boca. The immigrants used discarded paint and materials from the shipyards to make their homes.

La Boca

La Boca

Elder Pickett in La Boca

The original warehouses at the port have all been redone and Puerto Madero has been turned into beautiful office blocks and restaurants. We had lunch at Siga La Vaca. They claim to be the largest parrilla in Argentina.

Siga La Vaca restaurant

The missionaries consumed an incredible amount of food there! We walked along the dock and visited the Fragata Sarmiento.

ARA Presidente Sarmiento

From the ship you can get some great pictures of the Puente de la Mujer, with its unusual forward cantilever. It is called the “Woman’s Bridge” because many of the streets in the district are named after women. Presidente is enjoying the day, but there are missionaries with questions to be answered, so he pauses from time to time to address their questions.

President Carter taking care of missionaries concerns

At the Parque 3 de Febrero, Presidente recounted the story of the dedication, officially opening the continent of South America to the preaching of the gospel. It was on December 25, 1925, Christmas morning, “a beautifully warm and sunny summer day.” We had our own wintery, but beautiful spiritual experience, when Elder Horrocks offered a prayer.

Parque 3 de Febrero

Elder Pickett at Parque 3 de Febrero

Parque 3 de Febrero

We went to the Cementerio de la Recoleta and viewed the burial grounds for the rich and famous in the country.

Cementerio de la Recoleta


lastly, we stopped off at Freddos, probably the most famous of the artisanal ice cream parlors.

Freddo's Ice Cream

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